Our Programes

In the fight against despair, destitute, and homelessness, Delight foundation Africa came up with a number of activities aimed at boosting the self-esteem of the disillusioned vulnerable orphans, the poor and the street children.


At Delight Foundation Africa, we believe that music can bring a great impact in the children’s lives. It attracts, rescues, and nurtures them. Music instils discipline and promotes teamwork, giving our children something to belong to. Almost all take part in the performing programs—the Brass Band, Cultural Dance, Drama, singing and Acrobatics. Our music programs touch everything we do. When our band matches in the roads, going to nearby venues, crowds of children follow them. Sometimes street children see our obvious joy, and ask to join the Foundation—our answer is most often yes. Another exhilarating activity is cultural dance and drumming. Bright costumes, authentic, perfectly executed dances, and rhythmic music conspire to have the audience dancing in their seats. It’s quite a spectacle—be sure to see our residents perform if you are visiting.


Delight Foundation Africa with support from donors, local authorities and Organizations reaches out to over 2000 needy families within the communities, to be able to donate a few basic needs to the needy families. In the communities, most of the elderly people especially the grandmothers have taken up the responsibilities to stay with their grandchildren who have been abandoned, rejected by their parents due to multiple relationships and polygamous marriages. Many parents have engaged in multiple marriages and ended up producing many children which later become a burden in terms of caring and providing for their basic needs forcing them to send these children to the grandparents (Mothers). “Reviving hopes of the unprivileged, at-risk and disadvantaged children through music, education, sports, vocational skills, providing them with a home, protection and instilling hope to create reliable and a self-sustaining citizen” being our mission statement, we decide to also register the children of those families we visit through this program into the Organization.


DFA-Uganda carries out community outreach programs. We reach the slum areas and the dirtiest places around our communities, we sweep, pick garbage, burn rubbish, clear drainage lines, and sensitize the communities on how to keep the environment clean and the dangers of poor sanitation in the communities. In most slum areas in our communities, poor sanitation is a big challenge. This has brought about diseases like cholera, diarrhea, malaria and many others, which has left many young children affected. As DFA-Uganda we base on that to reach out to more than 5000 homes through this community program.


Reintegrating street children into families and the community is the most powerful and sustainable way of supporting them. Tracing the families and resettling the children is done throughout the year. At times, the families do not want to take the children back. This makes the resettlement very difficult. In other cases, the conditions of the home are not by far adequate; this can also hinder a child's resettlement. However, if none of these problems occur, the child is put back into the home. Before coming back, both children and families are counseled and prepared for reconciliation and reunion. The children are supposed to be resettled with a package including books, blankets, a mattress and a mosquito net. At times it is too challenging to give children packages due to shortage of funds.


Many of the orphans and children who run to the streets are in their adolescence. Given the dire circumstances in which they live, they are exposed to sexual abuse and are in need of reproductive health services. All children are taught about basic hygiene, sex education, drug abuse, and HIV prevention. DFA-Uganda works with people and organizations that provide counseling services to them. Mosquito nets are provided to residents to prevent malaria infections. Bathing facilities are made available for children staying at the organization. All children are taught proper maintenance and use of pit latrines, and the importance of boiling water for drinking.


Orphans, vulnerable and Children from the streets are enlisted in the rehabilitation program which runs for one year. Its curriculum is child-centered and aims at interesting the child in learning. The children are taught the following; Literacy lessons, Reproductive sexual health, bible study, social behaviors, Life skills, Math, Art, English, Science, Agriculture, games, Sports, Music, drama and HIV/AIDS awareness, prevention and care. After the program the child can join either formal school or vocational training


Over the years DFA-Uganda has fostered relationships with different agencies, both at district, national and international levels with whom it collaborates to improve the welfare of unprivileged children and their families. Some of these agencies include; Program for Labor Action, District Government departments, The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), NGO Forum, Police Family and Child Protection Unit. Delight Foundation Africa is hoping to increase its relationship with both Local and International agencies with similar objectives.


Counseling is a core activity of the project. The children are provided with psycho-social care and support to help them cope and survive within their environment. Individual, Group, peer and Family counseling are carried out on a regular basis.


The Foundation encourages children to participate in different sports and games in order to develop their talents, team spirit, improve their self-image and for recreation purposes. Annual games are played within the projects to create strong relationships among all the children of the foundation.