The Needy Families

Donating items to needy familiies

The Needy Families

Our Foundation reaches out to over 2000 needy families within the communities

Delight Foundation Africa with support from donors, local authorities and Organizations reaches out to over 2000 needy families within the communities, to be able to donate a few basic needs to the needy families. In the communities, most of the elderly people especially the grandmothers have taken up the responsibilities to stay with their grandchildren who have been abandoned, rejected by their parents due to multiple relationships and polygamous marriages.

Many parents have engaged in multiple marriages and ended up producing many children which later become a burden in terms of caring and providing for their basic needs forcing them to send these children to the grandparents (Mothers). “Reviving hopes of the unprivileged, at-risk and disadvantaged children through music, education, sports, vocational skills, providing them with a home, protection and instilling hope to create reliable and a self-sustaining citizen” being our mission statement, we decide to also register the children of those families we visit through this program into the Organization.