Our Impact

Delight Foundation Africa's impact in the Community

Delight Foundation Africa has made significant strides in transforming the lives of disadvantaged youth and children across Uganda by offering a multifaceted approach to support, our organization has achieved substantial and far-reaching impacts in the following areas.

Our impact is evident in the transformed lives of the youth we serve. Through our holistic approach, we have provided them with the tools, support, and opportunities needed to overcome adversity and build a hopeful future

Restoring Hope and Rebuilding Lives

Rehabilitation and Reconciliation: We have successfully reintegrated numerous street children with their families, providing them with the opportunity for a renewed sense of belonging and stability.

Counseling and Guidance: Our comprehensive counseling services have helped many young individuals overcome emotional and psychological trauma, fostering resilience and personal growth.

Empowering Through Talents and Skills

Talent Identification and Development: By nurturing talents in music, art, and crafts, we have enabled many youth to channel their creativity and express themselves in positive ways. This not only builds self-esteem but also opens up new opportunities for them.

Vocational Training: Our vocational programs have equipped numerous young people with practical skills, empowering them to gain employment and achieve financial independence.

Our progress

children Cared
Music in the Communities
Housing Children

Promoting Health

Combating Exploitation and Abuse: Our efforts have contributed to reducing the incidences of drug abuse, child labor, sexual abuse, and early marriages among the youth.

Download Strategy Plan

Enhancing Education

Educational Support:We have facilitated access to education for many children who were at risk of dropping out due to various challenges. This has improved their prospects for a brighter future and helped break the cycle of poverty.

Fostering Community and Sports Engagement

Sports and Games: Our sports programs have not only provided a constructive outlet for energy but also promoted teamwork, discipline, and healthy lifestyles.

Community Building: By bringing together youth through various activities, we have strengthened community bonds and created supportive networks that contribute to social cohesion.


Happy Children


Successfull Goals


Cildren who learnt Music


Globalization Work