Who are you?

Delight foundation Africa is a voluntary, charitable, non-profitable, non-partisan, non- racial developmental umbrella organization, whose policies are determined by the membership and whose leadership is accountable to the members and partners.

What have you done?

Delight Foundation Africa has made the orphans, street children and other vulnerable children to become the pivot of the organization. All its activities and programs are centered on the children in all ways. These activities benefit the children intellectually, physically, psychologically, morally among others although other stakeholders in the community have also become beneficiaries especially the poor families with an extended system due to various reasons.

Music being the interest of every child at the organization and the heart of the organization has left many children’s lives changed, inspired and motivated. Both boys and girls are trained. More to this, those who become experts and more experienced are made trainers of their fellows and the new comers, they are given honorable positions like instructor hence enjoying the respect which must be recognized by each and every one at the organization

How does music help children?

Music has helped children to explore and develop music skills and reach out to the community effectively both locally and internationally. Music is the Foundation of DFA and we believe that music can bring a great impact in the lives of youths and children because it attracts, rescues and natures them. Music instills discipline and promotes teamwork giving the children and youth something to belong too.

Almost all take part in the performing music and dance programs, the Brass band, culture dance, Drama, singing, poetry, playing different music instruments and Acrobatics.
Our music programs touch everything we do. When our Brass band matches in the community going to nearby venues, crowds of children and youth, follow them. So many times, street children see our obvious joy, and ask to join the foundation our answer is most often YES.

How can we help you?

We are sincerely grateful and here are some of the ways you can contribute to Delight Foundation Africa.

Contribute towards the rehabilitation and reconciliation program. You can also make a monthly sustaining donation or a onetime gift. Contribute specifically towards foods or medical care. Support staff training.

Offer a helping hand towards literacy and games and sports programs. You can also offer a gift or donation to the foundation in commemoration of a special person. Delight foundation Africa appreciatively accepts all kinds of contributions such as cash donations, non-cash donations of goods and services, medicine, construction crew, scholastic materials, computers, office equipment among others.

We also appreciate gifts in kind that support the fulfilment of the foundations development and humanitarian assistance goals.

Can we come and volunteer?

In volunteering, you freely come out to support a particular program or activity at Delight foundation Africa. Our volunteer program is non segregative what so ever, be it age, party, race among others.We warmly welcome with open arms any person with a sense of compassion, humor and the love to spend time with the children. The volunteer can be individual, couple or family with teenage children.