Our Goals

Our Goals

The foundation plans to secure its own land for school, make the necessary construction and preparations on the land to reduce on costs of schools fees for primary school going children
To rehabilitate and reunite as many street children possible with their families.

The organization intends to reconcile the street children who want to return home with their families or relatives, it shall facilitate the process together with intensive guidance and counselling.

To establish a well-built home for the children at the foundation. This will follow the addition of land and through the fundraising by Delight Foundation Team and the well-wishers, a dormitories and performance hall, and Guest house for our volunteers.

It also hopes to reclaim as many street children as possible especially through the inspirational outreach programs like music. It is intended to provide them with a family to belong to.

To provide formal education to the destitute children at the foundation. Delight Foundation also plans to continue looking out for sponsors, make fundraisings through performances, peer to peer exchange programs and lobby for school bursaries to provide school fees and scholastic materials to the children.

To provide medical care for the children through partnering with individuals and organization donors and sponsors, the foundation hopes to build a sick bay, hire a nurse and also provide the necessary medical requirements to ensure the health of the children.

To properly feed the children at the foundation. The organization hopes to carry out mixed farming to ensure that the children are provided with foods of various food values for a healthier growth. Delight foundation Africa plans to mobilize resources for acquisition of equipment for vocational skills training, such equipment include computers, hair dressing tools, tailoring machines and jewel materials.

It also hopes to train its committed staff in fields like human rights, guidance and counselling, child protection, management skills, information technology life skills development among others.

Ways to Give

Delight foundation Africa ensures a comfortable life for its children through providing them with accommodation, protection, education, food medical care, clothing and love. The foundation however is too strained to make the above provisions without your help.
A giving hand shall always receive. Donate to delight foundation Africa to support a child or particular program at the foundation and turn around the lives of the neglected, grow and develop the foundation in the interest of the children.
We are sincerely grateful and here are some of the ways you can contribute to Delight Foundation Africa.

Contribute towards the rehabilitation and reconciliation program. You can also make a monthly sustaining donation or a onetime gift. Contribute specifically towards foods or medical care. Support staff training.

Offer a helping hand towards literacy and games and sports programs. You can also offer a gift or donation to the foundation in commemoration of a special person. Delight foundation Africa appreciatively accepts all kinds of contributions such as cash donations, non-cash donations of goods and services, medicine, construction crew, scholastic materials, computers, office equipment among others.
We also appreciate gifts in kind that support the fulfilment of the foundations development and humanitarian assistance goals.