Music on streets

street kids having music lessons

Music on streets of Mbale

We don't just teach them music but we also talk to them on how they can be important in the future.

We introduced music skills to the street commonly known as the (Ghetto). Every weekend we take instruments to the streets to teach the street kids music, we don't just teach them music but we also talk to them on how they can be important in the future. Street children are those who turn to living on the streets because of mistreatment by their parents mainly the step parents, some resort to street life due to death of their parents. We have now started a program of teaching them music skills and those who gain interest are taken at our organization(Delight Foudation Africa).

We believe through this program these kids can be changed and have a bright future as we pick them off the streets through music. We also tress their origins( homes) and return them back home after advising and talking to their guardians. We believe the number of street children will decrease highly through this program, and the kids will start living a hopeful life and become important in the country. We had lengthy conversation with "Muganda", the head of the street kids in Mbale. He told us the street has over 1000 street children most of them were being mistreated by their step parents. Muganda welcomed our street program and said it will greatly help the kids. He promised to work with us during the program. Anyone can be a cause of a better life for these kids. You can also be part of this program through donation of funds to facilitate the program, donation of clothes, donation of instruments to help in the program.

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