Our Aims

Our Aims

Give chance to the underprivileged youths who can’t afford money for the music training be trained and equipped with skills.

Support and provide for the welfare of at risk, abandoned, street kids and orphaned children and youth.

Work towards the development of practical and vocational skills amongst the youth beneficiaries to the organization.

Supporting the education of children, beneficiaries to the organization through providing fees/tuition and scholastic materials.

Work with governmental and non-governmental agencies to increase awareness on rights of children and the broader community.

To provide the youth with opportunity to explore, discover and develop their skills and abilities through music dance and dram, acting and film production, Art and crafts.

Reduce the number of street kids by 60% by 2020 through returning them back to their families.

Teach the youth practical works like Art and craft, tailoring, ICT skills and hair dressing and others.

To take on the projects which combat the most formidable problems like domestic violence, child abuse, child neglect, homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, early marriage and gang activities.